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Our story...

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We are the Bešlagić family (Damir, Arma, Tara, Orhan and Dunja),

lovers of life on the Bjelašnica mountain.

About fifteen years ago, we exchanged the busy city life for a life in nature, so over time we felt the need to establish a family farm in the village of Umoljani. There we grow different types of vegetables and aromatic herbs.

In addition to cultivated plants, we also collect edible wild plants and fruits. Our cuisine is characterized by the fact that we use a lot of seasonal wild herbs in our recipes.

We produce preparations from medicinal herbs and natural preparations from fruits and vegetables.

On our farm, we organize plant workshops where you have the opportunity to:

you get to know medicinal and edible herbs, learn how to make herbal salve, take part in making a dish or preparation, and of course, try some of our house specialties.

We will contact you soon with more information about the workshops themselves, and until then, take a look at some of the recipes we decided to share with you.

Sign up for Newsletters so that we can inform you in time about current events and activities on our farm.

Keep us happy and smiling.

Greetings from sunny Umoljani.



U našem djelovanju zalažemo se za sve segmente održivog upravljanja uključujući okolišne i ljudske faktore, jer takav pristup vidimo kao jedini prihvatljivi oblik poslovanja.


PG Bešlagić is commited to maintain an enviroment free from discrimination and harrasment for all family household members/employees, guests and volouneers.

All members, guests and volouneers should be treated  with dignity and fairness.

No family household member/employee, guest or volouneer, male or female should be subjected to unsolicited or unwelcome overtures or conduct, either verbal or physical.


PG Bešlagić se zalaže za održavanje ambijenta bez diskriminacije i uznemiravanja za sve članove/uposlenike porodičnog domaćinstva, goste i volontere.

Prema svim članovima, gostima i volonterima treba se postupati dostojanstveno i pošteno.

Nijedan član/zaposlenik porodičnog domaćinstva, gost ili volonter, muškarac ili žena, ne smije biti podvrgnut neželjenim ili nepoželjnim potezima ili ponašanjima, bilo verbalnim ili fizičkim.

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